ELDER ARSENIOS (Arsenie) Papacioc (1914 – 19th July 2011) was among those arrested in 1958 with Dumitru Staniloae, for resisting the spread of Communism in his native Romania.
Elder Arsenie Papacioc (1914-2011)
Elder Arsenie Papacioc (1914-2011)
He moved from monastery to monastery under the uncertain conditions of the government of the day, and as Abbot of the Slatina Monastery underwent repeated imprisonment and even torture. He is revered as one of the foremost spiritual fathers of the Romanian Orthodox Church.
In first video, he speaks of six kinds of temptation, and ends by telling us how both a cultured society and a true interpretation of Scripture rely on one thing: Harmony. In the second, he speaks of resisting temptations, and the crowns we are granted when we fight them.

IN this next video below, Elder Arsenie talks about suffering, and God’s providential care for us, and then in the second, he speaks of prayer, and how it is something to which any one of us can aspire.

There is an obituary of Elder Arsenie at Pravoslavie.
